An Industry Ready to Explode
As healthcare costs continue to skyrocket and treatment modalities remain mostly compartmentalized due to insurance providers, an evolution towards a wellness-conscious consumer is taking hold. Modern lifestyles are being redefined constantly as people have grown to realize that sustaining basic health has become little more than expensive sickness management. Against a wider landscape, however, it also implies that people from all walks of life are now embracing a variety of healthy habits and practices that prevent disease, improve health, enhance the quality of life, and bring us all closer to an optimal state of well-being.
These are the consumers who have formed the backbone of a wellness economy that is exploding internationally. In stark contrast to the medical world, which has focused on clinical and curative solutions, wellness is often viewed as empowerment, where the paradigm is seen as proactive, voluntary, and individually driven - so it should come as no surprise that this is where your opportunity with Zenus Global Health finds common ground.